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Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Tajuk 951 : Writing block ?

Guna chunking utk cungkil idea menulis..

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1. Writing block (WB) adalah fenomena tak boleh nak hasilkan penulisan, tak tahu apa nak tulis dan bagaimana nak mulakan penulisan.

2. Penulis novel maybe ada cara tersendiri termasuk melakar dahulu permulaan, pertengahan dan akhir cerita, dengan pendetailan antaranya akan menyusul. Mendapat idea awal. pertengahan dan akhir ini taklah sesukar mendapatkan pendetailan idea jika bermula dari awal, tanpa tahu pertenghan dan kesudahan cerita.

3. Bagi PG, WB ini sepatutnya tidaklah serius kerana ada banyak rujukan. Kalau tak tahu nak mulakan INTRODUCTION misalnya, ada berpuluh artikel dan thesis dgn tajuk yang setara dgn kajian anda, utk dibaca bahagian introduction. Tapi disebabkn tak ada pengalaman menulis secara ilmiah... mmg sukar kalau tiada sttategi bagi seorang novis..

4. Ini contoh aku ambil 7 perkataan / frasa dari 7 artikel berbeza berkaitan apps dan dengan 7 perkataaan ini bolehlah aku memecahkan writing blok dengan mula menulis sesuatu menggunakan idea dari frasa berikut (tak perlu ikut urutan) dengan pemahaman dan pembahcaan sendiri. Perkataan /frasa ini hanya sebagai 'chunking' mengatasi WB sahaja dan pengisiannya sepenuhnya bergantung kepada kita. Berikut contoh frasa.... utk chunking idea...

In today's technology
Numerous option techniques
Despite the progresses
It is expected that
Devices that can be integrated
To address this growing challenge
Need more high-quality

5. Contoh sebenar....

ubiquitous, stand-alone application, the existence of, create educational content, appropriate educational content , a favoured invention, positive impact, productive environment

Dari perkataan / frasa di atas terhasillah tiga paragraph dgn idea berkaitan kajian sendiri ditambah dgn rujukan... yg kemudian boleh dikemaskini lagi... dan lagi...

Mobile learning has made a POSITIVE IMPACT on learning since most mobile devices, especially smartphones and tablets, are affordable and equipped with the technical specifications to download mobile applications that enhance learning. The UBIQUITOUS availability of mobile devices has transformed education in innovative ways by transferring computer technology from a STAND-ALONE application in the classroom environment to a mobile application in the virtual learning environment (Fowler, 2015). A variety of mobile applications, such as games, music, messenger application, can be downloaded for free from Google Play or Apple store via the Internet, and the same is applied for mobile learning applications. These mobile applications change the process of learning as the mobile learning application such as TsoiChem (Tsoi, 2011), Sherpa (Schweitzer & Teel, 2011), Isains (Abd Majid & Husain, 2014), and Smile (Buckner & Kim, 2014).

THE EXISTENCE OF such mobile learning application provide educators the opportunity to explore, search and use mobile learning applications or better known as “apps” that can be applied in classrooms as an alternative pedagogical approach to enhance students’ learning. For most students, particularly those considered the Internet era generation who grew up surrounded by computer technologies, mobile applications are not new but they lack an APPROPRIATE EDUCATIONAL CONTENT model for mobile applications (Jeffrey, & Kinshuk, 2014) that could be applied to support their learning. The use of mobile applications, especially through smartphones, is presently applied in various industries such as the entertainment, banking, construction, and tourism industries.

The education industry is another targeted field. Globally, researchers as well as educators are developing mobile learning applications to CREATE EDUCATIONAL CONTENT that is aimed at augmenting students’ understanding of subject areas. It is no longer surprising that mobile application is now a FAVOURED INVENTION in all areas of education in order to fascinate and motivate learners, “especially among university students” (Khmelevsky & Volodymyr, 2013, p.8), facilitating learning in a more PRODUCTIVE ENVIRONMENT.

6. Hal yang sama juga kepada bahagian yang lain dlm tesis. Ambil beberapa frasa yang menarik dari artikel yang setara isinya dengan kajian anda utk chunking idea menulis anda.

7. Akhirnya nanti artikel sahaja yang penting dgn isinya yang jauh lebih ringkas dan padat. Tesis yang tebal dan gedabak akan hanya disimpan...

Jadi anggaplah WB tu dah selesai... yang tinggal hanyalah mental block tak nak berfikir !


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