Berikut pelbagai bentuk in-text citation yang anda perlu manfaatkan dalam penulisan akademik. Jgn main tulis je... asal ada citation.
1. Author sebagai reference sahaja (idea / isi lebih penting)
It is argued that the way chemistry teachers teach is often influenced by their experience as a student (W, 2004).
2. Author berkaitan direct dgn idea / isi
S and G (2009) conducted a study by analyzing college chemistry textbooks as sources of misconceptions in understanding electrochemical cells.
3. Author sebagai subject dgn initial phrase
According a study conducted by A and B (2001), students have difficulty in thinking about chemical processes because most of them are oriented to concrete examples.
4. Cara penulisan bagi menunjukkan banyak sangat kajian lepas dalam creativity yang hampir2 sama maka anda hanya memberi contoh (menulis 'e.g') empat daripadanya iaitu A, B, C dan D yang dipilih seboleh2nya bagi menggambarkan konteks kajian yang bersifat global dan kronologi sehingga masih dikaji dalam kajian semasa .
Previous studies (e.g. A, 2009; B, 2008; C,2010; D, 2009) revealed that boys are better than girls in creativity.
5. Cara begini digunakan apabila kajian A dan B relevant dengan apa yang anda ingin sampaikan sehingga anda mempelawa pembaca melihat (dgn menulis 'see') artikel khususnya B jika inginkan maklumat lanjut / khusus.
Previous studies revealed that boys are better than girls (A, 2009; see B, 2008) in creativity.
6. Kombinasi perbagai viewpoints berbeza dari beberapa authors
The integration of computer animation in science instruction has been proposed as tool that can facilitate students’ conceptual change (B, 2000; S, 2000; W, 1998) and provide an opportunity for the students to organize and comprehend the sequences of the abstract, dynamic and complex processes (A, 2003; Z & C, 2003). For example, animation can be used by chemistry teachers to show the donation of electrons during the process of electrolysis (W, 2010).
7. Kombinasi secara general satu pernyataan dengan persamaan pendapat bbrp authors
The constructivist theory of learning has been accepted as one of the dominant epistemological which can be applied to develop theories of teaching and learning in science education (A, 2002; B, 2003; C, 2008; D. et al, 2007).
Salam sayang....

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