Sunday, February 16, 2014

Tajuk 563 - Master / PhD - not everything you do has to be USEFUL !!

Aku selalu menulis kenapa PhD lebih kepada acquiring skills to be a competent researcher in your area of investigation... mendapat findings lalu contribute to the body of knowledge.... bukan kecoh mecoh pasal impact research tersebut utk ubah polisi atau society dan segala macamnya. 

Sadis bila yang kecoh mecoh tu sendiripun tak pernah buat kajian yang ada impact !!

Impact hanya akan diperolehi dgn kajian berterusan selepas dapat PhD sebagai expert bukan perkara utama yang ditagih ketika menjadi calon PhD ! 

Pernyataan "not everything you do has to be useful..." bukan dari mulut aku.... sila baca kisah berikut ! 

Richard Feynmen (Nobel-prize-winning physicist 1965) petikan dari buku biography beliau:

I used to do whatever I felt like doing – it didn’t have to do with whether it was important for the development of nuclear physics… without worrying about any importance whatsoever.

The best researchers are driven by curiosity as “the pleasure of finding things out”, and it seems to be a good way to stay engaged and interested in your work. ….not everything you do has to be useful. Invest some time in exploring ideas just for the sake of curiosity, for the pleasure of finding things out…


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