Friday, February 14, 2014

Tajuk 562 - Tiga jenis Research GAP

Research terlalu banyak cabang... jadi research gap pun ada banyak cabang... tiga contoh berikut adalah antaranya..... bagi nampak kepelbagaian gap yang ada...

1. Model gap: A study of the relationship between personality disorder and burnout

There have been a number of studies of job stress, however, none of these studies investigate the relationship of personality disorder to burnout among lecturers using structural modelling. 

2. Evaluation gap: The effects of FB addiction on student’s achievement.

While there has been many researches on the impact of internet addiction in general on student’s achievement, little has been written about the effects of social network (FB) on student’s achievement in college.

3. Practical gap: The implementation of constructivist animation model for chemistry instruction

In science education, the studies on the evaluation of chemistry instruction based on constructivist theory has been a major concern, however, there is no study investigate the effectiveness of animation designed based on constructivist theory for chemistry instruction.

Ketiga2 gap diatas advance the knowledge dlm bidang bbeza..

Perhatikn bhw dah byk kajian dilakukn dlm ketiga2 bidang tetapi masih ada gap / niche yg boleh diisi utk contribute to the body of knowledge... bukan yg lansung xpernah dibuat sebelumnya....

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