Friday, September 6, 2019

Tajuk 1714 : Skit kisah aku di obersi..

Ini petikan acknowledge dari tesis aku. Cer baca dulu...

First and foremost, I wish to thank my supervisors, Dr. Robert Matthews (1) and my co-supervisor Dr. Margaret Secombe (2) for their constructive supervision, thoughtful encouragement and intellectual commitment in guiding me through my study and writing this thesis. My sincere thanks to Dr. Robert Matthews, who allowed me to develop my own academic interests, yet guided me to keep focused. I am grateful for his encouragement and support in guiding me through my study.

I gratefully acknowledge the advice of Prof. Kevin Majoribanks (3), who guide me in my quantitative analysis, Prof. Chris Dawson (4) for providing me with sound advice in my qualitative analysis. I would also like to thank Dr. Margaret Scott (5), for her administrative assistance as the School of Education Secretary.

I would also like to thank Dr. Cobus Gerber (6) and Dr. Vicky Barnett (7) from the Chemistry Department, The University of Adelaide for providing me with valuable advice in completing my animations of electrochemistry. Also, my gratitude to Mr. Dan Bonicelli (8), Glenunga International High, Adelaide; Mr. Peter Beavis (9), Bradford College, Adelaide; and chemistry teachers at the Matriculation Center, xxx, Malaysia and their students, who participated in this research.


Sengaja aku nomborkan nama2 di dalam petikan di atas (dalam petikan asal tak adalah nombor tu) utk menunjukkan ada 9 personal yang membantu aku dalam perjalanan menyiapkan tesis aku, sebelum aku balik for good.

Inilah pengalaman manis terutama Prof Kevin (kini mendiang), the Dean, yang awal2 perkenalkan diri sebagai 'Im Kevin Majoribank, please call me Kevin' dihadapan puluhan PG baru di Faculty of Professional Studies, Uni. of Adelaide. Aku ketika itu di Education Department. Aku tak mimpi ini berlaku di Msia.

Kenapa begitu ramai yang bantu aku? Salah satu sebabnya kerana aku excited bila SV aku memberikan nama2 tersebut utk aku temui bagi meminta kerjasama. Kini aku lakukan perkara yang sama kepada angel-angel aku. Cara mereka memberi pandangan sangat professional sehingga aku yang naive ini tidak terasa seperti meminta-meminta. Statement 'read more.. and more' mmg lah tak wujud... 'U must read 100 articles first ... ' lagi lah tak ada.. wpun aku ended up dgn > 300 citations dlm tesis aku.

Aku buat dua kali pilot di Adelaide dgn bantuan personal 8 dan 9, satu yang sungguh mudah. Namun terasa cukup serik bila mengambil data sebenar di Msia, dgn segala macam protokol dan aku spt dilihat sebagai menyusahkan, ibarat terkena hujan batu di negara sendiri. Maaf sekali lagi, aku tidak hadapinya di Adelaide, macam hujan emaslah pulak.

Kisah dan tauladan... utk kita share.. menuju kemerdekaan negara yg ke 62


Foto - Uni. of Adelaide dan ketika menjadi jemputan Radio Adelaide..

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