Friday, May 17, 2019

Tajuk 1432 : Selepas STEM..Competency-based education ?

Aku fikir, selepas ini akan muncul perkataan Competency-based education (CBE) dgn satu falsafah "almost all learners can learn equally well if they receive the kind of instructors they need" dan “the development of complex capacities that enable students to think and act in various fields of activity... consists of achieving knowledge in action, the result of a sound knowledge base that can be put into practice and used to explain what is happening”

Ada 3 unsur utama dalam CBE ...
1. kandungan dalam CBE diasaskan dari sumber pekerjaan sekarang dan jangkaan akan datang
2. Murid ditafsir berasaskan kompetensi yang di capai
3. Pentafsiran merangkumi unsir penguasaan pengetahuan, sikap dan bukti kompetensi..

Menurut IBE "Competence can be used as an organising principle of curriculum. In a competency-based curriculum, exit profiles specify the classes of situations that learners must be able to handle competently by the end of their education. Depending on the type of education, these classes of situations are identified either on the basis of real-life or work-related situations or on the internal logic of the discipline in question..."



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