Monday, February 5, 2018

Tajuk 863: Concept / review paper.. Sapa kata ada data baru boleh publish paper?

Artikel dgn data adalah keutamaan. Namum.. bagi isu yang panas.... hot... yang masih banyak argument dari pelbagai perspective dan teori... anda boleh saja sediakan kertas kerja / artikel konsep / review utk publication. Menyediakan kertas kerja konsep secara tidak lansung menguji pemahaman anda serta kemampuan anda mengupas isu dalam kajian anda sendiri tersebut secara kritis dari perbagai perspektif. Kertas kerja konsep adalah analisis “mendalam” sesuatu idea yang masih fresh dan boleh mengundang persoalan / pendapat dari pelbagai sudut. 

Sebagaimana research paper, concept paper masih memerlukan journal articles sebagai rujukan bersama laporan terkini isu yang ingin dibangkitkan. Concept paper tidak memerlukan data, tetapi memerlukan perbincangan beberapa aspek utama yang menyokong concept atau thesis statement yang ingin diperkenalkan. Katakan anda ingin memperkenalkan penggunaan mobile application yang lazimnya berorientasikan computer games kedalam strategi pembelajaran dan pengajaran sains, sudah pasti ia mengundang banyak persoalan. Mobile app muncul dgn tag “learn anywhere anytime”, satu extension baru kepada e-learning yang boleh dikupas dari pelbagai sudut spt content... screen size... connectivity... Apalagi.... MENDELEY akn bantu anda !! Mungkin dgn contoh tajuk2 berikut, akan memberi anda idea apa yang diperlukan bagi concept paper… 

Contoh tajuk - mesti catchy.. 
a. Standing at the Crossroads: Mobile Learning and Cloud Computing 
b. Mobile application for mobile learning – A new learning theory? c. Will mobile application really influence mobile learning? 
d. From e-learning to m-learning: Moving Beyond “No Significant Difference” 

Contoh tajuk dan abstract satu artikel 
Planning in the Real-Time City: The Future of Mobile Technology

The mobile phone has transformed life in the city. Using them, individuals can both receive information about their surroundings through location-based services and contribute to the city as a system. They can participate by sharing location, text, photos, or video about the conditions of the city. This article explores the literature surrounding mobile phone technology in urban planning and city life. Specifically, it explores the potential of mobile phones in sensing, documenting, and exploring the city. This article draws on literature from a wide variety of fields to create a overview of the issues surrounding mobile phones in the city. THIS PAPER REVIEWS what we know and what has been speculated about the influence of mobile phones and similar devices on urban life. There is evidence that they alter our sense of individuality, our mobility, our interactions with others, our capacity to participate in and document public life, and our senses of privacy and publicness. The implications and meanings for planning are open, as they were when the mails, the telegraph, and the telephone were first introduced. Jadi...jgn tunggu lama.... sediakan concept paper wpun anda masih di semester pertama! 


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