Thursday, April 2, 2015

Tajuk 725: Who care about the research gap ?

Seorang calon PhD membuat kajian kes terhadap perlaksanaan satu program disebuah kolej. Selepas menyiapkan kajian… ketika sedang menulis Bab 5 (DISCUSSION) tiba2 diajukan soalan:

What is actually your research gap. I cant see your research gap !

Aku pun nak berkongsi – apa yang kecoh sangat pasal research gap?

Akupun cuba mencari tulisan2 online tentang beberapa perkara paling asas dalam membuat kajian master / PhD. Aku kongsikan disini….

1. Apakah definisi research ?
- a systematic investigation and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions
- searching for and gathering information from published materials usually to answer a particular question or problem

2. Apa pulak makna PhD?
- is an academic degree that, in most countries, qualifies the degree holder to teach their chosen subject at university level or to work in a specialized position in their chosen field.
- an academic degree awarded by universities and higher education institutions to a candidate who has submitted a thesis or dissertation,

3. Apa tujuan buat PhD?
- to learn and develop one understanding of one field, to improve research skills and contribute to knowledge
4. How to master the knowledge?
- search the published literature to find and read what has been written about the subject

5. How to extend the body of knowledge about the subject?
- to find new abstractions, new approaches, new algorithms, new principles, or new mechanisms.
- to further human understanding

Dari pernyataan diatas, aku boleh simpulkan bahawa master / PhD adalah satu academic degree yang dianugerahkan selepas menyiapkan satu thesis yang dimulai dgn menguasai satu bidang melalui kupasan literature, lalu memformulasikan satu masalah / isu / argument dalam literature tersebut supaya satu kajian dapat dijalankan bagi mendapatkan penyelesaian, mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam, penghasilan algorithma, model atau prosidur2 tertentu sbg contribution / extension to knowledge.

So where is the research gap?

Student does his / her research to master the subject and research skills so he/she can become a competent researcher…. to contribute / extent the knowledge as it supposed to be… publish the contribution in journal...then get his / her PhD - so the focus is to contribute / extend the knowledge - so the research gap is out of question !


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