Friday, February 13, 2015

Tajuk 708 - Kajian QUALITATIVE Panic Button

Aku nak lengkapkan siri Panic Button… sekadar berkongsi perkara 7 utama yang perlu dijalankan dalam quali research. Ini bukan step-by step procedures… sekadar sepintas lalu…

Qualitative research – discover and understand “the meaning” of a fenomena from the participant’s persepctive / experience / confession.

Quanti: Is there any relationship bet types of learning styles and science scores?
Quali: How students’ learning styles influence their science score?

Jadi utk dapatkan “meaning” kepada RQ di atas, kepada sample yang dipilih secara purposive mulakan dengan mendalami lagi literature bagi menyediakan asas pengetahuan kepada learning styles utk anda conceptualize kajian anda secara specific – what is currently being conducted and what still needs to be understood? Ini bagi memastikan kajian anda novel dan significance !

1. Effective interviews
- finding indirect / unobservable feeling / opinion/ intention / thought / past behaviour 
- hypothetical questions – “What if….” 
- probes / follow up questions “what makes you say that..”

2. Careful observer
- need to be planned systematically, as informal as possible, focused on what to achieve – record, video, fill the form

3. Indepth document analysis
- personal / public / organisational / artifact / personnel belonging
- find relevant data / material / clues 
- manifest (visible & surface content) or latent (underlying meaning)

4. Triangulation (bagi dptkan pemahaman lebih mendalam fenomena dikaji)
- Methods – to increase the consistency of findings 
- Criteria – to check data form diff sources – men vs women ; kg vs bandar; employer vs employee
- Theory – use >1 theoretical perspectives to strengthen the interpretion of data

5. Validity and realibility
- validity (what it is supposed to measure) – looking at the phenomena from local perspective (emic) or from outside perspective (etic) using generic concepts…. Sebab itulah salah satu criteria kajian quali adalah thick description. Kalau nipis jer… siaplah !!
- reliability – double-coding or intra coding (others’ coding in the same field data) and inter coder reliability (others’ coding for the same data)

6. Analyse data / presentation
- code – process code, activity code, event code
- coding - open, axial and selective coding – to form themes / categories / principles 
- Integrate MS Word (Navigation Pane) + Atlas.ti or Nvivo coz manage codings is time consuming / tedious

Jika anda tak berapa sure atau tak tahu mana-mana aspek di atas – time to press the panic button !

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