Thursday, July 10, 2014


Masih ada yang bertanya pasal thesis statement.... 

Tahu tak apa itu thesis statement?

Masa aku belajar dulu….SV pernah bertanya “What is your thesis statement?” ... aku lansung kelu... tak dapat berkata2 persis mendengar pertanyaan dari snow white yang mengajak aku berkahwin....!!

Aku terkedu sebab masa buat master dulu tak ada sapapun tanya soalan tu. Then baru aku tahu….in a nutsell (dgn izin) thesis statement adalah ringkasan keseluruhan kajian ko dalam satu pernyataan sahaja !!

Mak ai… camner tu?

Ada 3 elements dalam thesis statement:
(i) topic of your research
(ii) debatable / arguable claim
(iii) support your claim

Contoh 1:
“The use of mobile application in teaching science (topic) has a potential to enhance students’ understanding (debatable claim); therefore a specific mobile application should be developed and implemented in teaching science (support)”

Bagi kajian ini (i) topic = "the use of mobile application in teaching science" dan ko cuba mengisi gap dgn (ii) debatable claim = "mobile application has a potential to enhance students’ understanding”... dan utk support claim (iii) maka "the mobile application should be developed and implemented in teaching science".

Wooo….cam tu plak… abis aku dah ada tajuk dan research question tak cukup ker?

Research question bertujuan menjawap persoalan bagi mencapai objective kajian, tak sama dgn thesis statement. 

Thesis statement meringkaskan intisari kajian ko .. thesis statement yg baik mestilah clear, specific, concise dan ada scope. Dalam pertandingan 3-minute thesis, thesis statement ini adalah asas persembahan...

Confirmed bukan aku punya !!
Sepanjang ko membuat literature search dalam area of interest, ko mula mempunyai beberapa pendapat terhadap sesuatu area of investigation ko (topic), then ko terus mengumpul maklumat ….. dan cuba mengisi gap yang bersifat debatable argument / claim and mestilah mencadangkan sesuatu penyelesaian (support) untuk membuktikan argument / claim ko tu valid.

Contoh 2:

“The use of mobile application in teaching organic reaction mechanism (topic) has a potential to enhance the understanding of Form 4 science students (debatable claim); therefore a constructivist mobile application on organic reaction mechanism should be developed and implemented (support)” 

Jadi thesis statement dalam contoh 2 bukan sahaja ada ketiga2 element - topic, debatable dan support tetapi juga ada focus (organic reaction mechanism) dan scope kajian (Form 4 science students) 

Contoh 3:

“Personal circumstances as a moderating effect (topic) between role clarity, autonomy, work engagement as independent variable and voluntary turnover intentions as dependent variable (claim) using social exchange theory and image theory (support)”

Contoh 4:
Exploring the use of gold dinar (topic) as mutual form of payment (argument) and measuring relationship of trust, knowledge and tawhidic paradigm (support) towards intention to use gold dinar.

Ingat... ko tak perlu ada subheading "Thesis Statement" dalam thesis ko... tapi ko kena tahu sebab itulah intisari kajian ko.

Jadi sebelum ko abiskan membaca post ini…. cer ko sambung ayat berikut berkaitan kajian ko sendiri … sebelum ditanya dalam VIVA !!

The thesis statement (thesis of the thesis) of my study is


Kalau jawapannya adalah "eeemmmmm ..... " selama 1 minit .…. maknanya ko sendiri tak faham apa ko buat….siaplah ko masa VIVA nanti..... cayolah cakap den !!


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