Friday, August 2, 2013

Tajuk 504: Menerobosi minda SV - Ingatan vs Lupaan

Pagi ni hening. Aku terlalu penat lepas tarawikh sampai tak sedar tidor hingga masuk suboh.... hilang pahala sahur. Apapun, dgn mata yang segar.... aku cover dgn tadarrus....

Selepas mencampakkan baju dalam washing mechine.... lipat baju yang masih tersidai... sebab kerja membasuh baju dan melipat ni aku dah buat sejak sekolah rendah lagi.... maklumlah mak ayah aku mana ada bibik.... nak makan pun tersekat2..... then aku buka Samsung aku ni. Ada sesuatu yang aku nak coretkan.

Ko ni... kalu tak menulis tak boleh ker? Apsal banyak sangat benda dalam kepala ko tu?

Mana ada.... aku ni manusia biasa cam ko jugak.... sekadar berfikir skit2....

Apa yang sikit..... ko nak menerobos minda SV? 

Istilah bombastik jer.... benda yang aku nak tulis ni... very straight forward. Kalau ko tak cuba menerobos minda SV ko... ko akan faham cara mereka berfikir....

Camtulah ker? Apsal SV tak menerobos minda aku.... dan aku plak kene menerobos minda SV aku?

Nanti aku tulis pulak entry menerobos minda supervisee ! 

Kalau ko tak cuba menerobos minda SV ko.... ko tak akan dapat faham peel (perangai ler) mereka....tidak kira... samada SV ko tu Dr.... AP.... atau Prof... atau madam dam mister.... mereka tu satu species yang hampir sama...species supervisor !

So amende yang ko nak tulis?

Adalah beberapa perkara......apa yang SV ingat dan manybe apa yang SV lupa....

Yang mungkin SV ingat adalah:

Bila terlantik sahaja mereka sebagai SV.... mereka nak tahu sapa supervisee mereka....cun ker... hensem ker... CEO ker.... cikgu ker?

Bila ko jumpa SV.... mereka akan rasa "Im superior - i know almost everything " manakala supervisee "you are nothing - you have to do everything ! "

SV akan kata.... "saya sibuk tau...." so pandai2lah SV menyelit diantara kesibukan tersebut.

Berdasarkan pengalamannya SV akan hinted "buat PhD ni memang susah... saya dulu bla..bla...bla... jadi U kena bersedia utk susah...

SV tahu bahawa buat tesis ni memang susah...."Jadi jgnlah susah kan aku....."

Aku dah dapat PhD.... ada Prof lagi....byk dah aku lalui... so nak tak nak aku terpaksa ishtiharkan bahawa "Im definitely a superior supervisor !!"

SV ada style dan preference tersendiri... "Kenapa aku kena kisah preference supervisee aku pulak"

Mutula responsibility
  • Understand your own work style preferences.
  • Recognize and work comfortably with their own and others’ work style preferences.
  • Be aware of your own values.
  • Recognize other people's different values and work well with them.
  • Understand your role in the larger environment.
Effective communication
  • Consistently and clearly communicate expectations.
  • Listen effectively.
  • Provide clear feedback.
  • Notice and attend to non-verbal communication.
  • Adapt your personal communication style to fit a variety of situations.
  • Match the most appropriate method of communication to your message.

thesis writing which is a form of exploration
The supervisor’s role is clearly not one of
doing the work for the students i.e. writing thesis or
narrating it partially or completely, but of providing
advice and support in order to help researchers
produce the best theses which they are capable of.

It is the job of teacher/supervisor to edit and proofread
the thesis, most of the students assume. They
submit their first draft without even giving a first
reading. They just print the first draft and bring it
straight to the supervisors as if they (supervisors)
were editors.

The supervisees also have a personal responsibility for their own learning by:
a. Developing research skills and techniques;
b. Gaining a deeper awareness of the social and professional implications of the research;
c. Enhancing appropriate research management practices;
d. Becoming increasingly self-disciplined, motivated, thorough, independent and self-reliant;
e. Improving communication and information technology skills; f. Learning to use cooperative networks;
g. Developing project management, time management and self-management

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