Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tajuk 398: Tak jumpa artikel - antara tak ada, tak tahu atau tak mahu tahu!

Kisah apa pulak kali ni?

Kisah ini aku extract dan olah dari pengalaman aku....ada seorang pelajar yang berminat utk membuat kajian berkaitan "misconception" dalam science education.... 

So apa yang kisahnya?

Akupun minta dia cari seberapa banyak artikel yang releven.... selepas sebulan dia datang dengan beberapa   artikel, kebanyakkannya tahun 1990an...

Aku tanya, mana artikel yang terkini

Dia jawab... tak banyak kajian terkini, susah nak cari artikel... yang lama2 adalah.... 

OKlah.... akupun buka web library UPM.... aku klik ke bahagian "A to Z full text e-journal".

Wpun ini web library UPM... aku percaya, IPTA lainpun mempunyai sistem yang lebih kurang sama.....malah ada yang maybe lebih advanced.

Dalam otak aku ada 3 journal yang biasa dalam science education iaitu "Science Education", :Research in Science Education" dan "International Journal of Science Education".

Aku tak nak cari publisher tapi nak terus kepada journal berkaitan.... so aku cari search "Science Education" dulu dan aku TICK "Journal Only" spt berikut:

Bila aku klik... "Search" keluarlah semua journal yang berkaitan yang ada science education..... so aku pilih "Science Education" sahaja

Apa lagi aku kliklah Science Education.... keluarlah journal tersebut tanpa perlu melalui publishernya iaitu Wiley & Sons. Perhatikan semua artikel ditandakan dengan icon  "kunci terbuka" bermakna boleh di akses dan download full artikel

Dah kuar journal tu... aku taip "misconception" pada SEARCH dan select "In this journal" supaya hanya artikel dalam journal ni sahaja yang dicari. 

Bila aku klik Search...tanpa malu2 keluarkan "Search Results" yang ada 640 artikel. Aku pilih artikel tahun 2012 sahaja utk journal ini

Then aku ulangi lagi dgn dua journal iaitu International Journal of Science Education dan Research in Science Education....tapi kali ini aku dapatkan artikel tahun 2010 - 2012

Apa yang berlaku bro?

Tak sampai 30 minit ada dapat semuanya 33 articles... TERKINI dan SENSASI tahun 2010 - 2012.... 

Berikut aku senaraikan.....dan satu salinan aku bagi kat student tu.... tersengeh ler dia !!

1. Misconceptions about “misconceptions”: Preservice secondary science teachers' views on the value and role of student ideas
Volume 96, Issue 5, September 2012, Pages: 927–959, Douglas Larkin

2. Teaching the nature of science through scientific errors \
Volume 96, Issue 5, September 2012, Pages: 904–926, Douglas Allchin

3. Young children's analogical reasoning in science domains
Volume 96, Issue 4, July 2012, Pages: 725–756, Jesper Haglund, Fredrik Jeppsson and Johanna Andersson

4. Framing in cognitive clinical interviews about intuitive science knowledge: Dynamic student understandings of the discourse interaction
Volume 96, Issue 4, July 2012, Pages: 573–599, Rosemary S. Russ, Victor R. Lee and Bruce L. Sherin

5. Junior High School Students’ Ideas about the Shape and Size of the Atom
Aytekin Cokelez in Research in Science Education (2012)

6. The Effect of Naïve Ideas on Students’ Reasoning About Electricity and Magnetism
Johanna in Research in Science Education (2012)

7. Student Difficulties in Learning Density: A Distributed Cognition Perspective
Lihua Xu, David Clarke in Research in Science Education (2012)

8. Young Children’s Knowledge About the Moon: A Complex Dynamic System
Grady J. Venville, Robert D. Louisell, Jennifer A. Wilhelm in Research in Science Education (2012

9. The Role of Struggle in Pre-Service Elementary Teachers’ Experiences as Students and Approaches to Facilitating Science Learning
Rachel E. Wilson, Julie M. Kittleson in Research in Science Education (2012)

10. Factors Influencing Science Content Accuracy in Elementary Inquiry Science Lessons
Barbara L. Nowicki, Barbara Sullivan-Watts, Minsuk K. Shim… in Research in Science Education (2012)

11. Does Classroom Explicitation of Initial Conceptions Favour Conceptual Change or is it Counter-Productive?
Patrice Potvin, Julien Mercier, Patrick Charland… in Research in Science Education (2012)

12. Primary Connections: Simulating the Classroom in Initial Teacher Education
Anne Christine Hume in Research in Science Education (2012)

13. Science Teachers’ Thinking About the Nature of Science: A New Methodological Approach to Its Assessment
Ángel Vázquez-Alonso, Antonio García-Carmona… in Research in Science Education (2012)

14. How to Help Teachers Develop Inquiry Teaching: Perspectives from Experienced Science Teachers
Chung-Hsien Tseng, Hsiao-Lin Tuan, Chi-Chin Chin in Research in Science Education (2012)

15. Exploring Relations Among Preservice Elementary Teachers’ Ideas About Evolution, Understanding of Relevant Science Concepts, and College Science Coursework
Diana C. Rice, Sibel Kaya in Research in Science Education (2012)

16. Integrating Model-Based Learning and Animations for Enhancing Students’ Understanding of Proteins Structure and Function
Miri Barak, Rania Hussein-Farraj in Research in Science Education (2012)

17. Consistency of Students’ Ideas across Evaporation, Condensation, and Boiling
Zubeyde Demet Kirbulut, Michael Edward Beeth in Research in Science Education (2011)

18. Describing Changes in Undergraduate Students’ Preconceptions of Research Activities
David P. Cartrette, Bethany M. Melroe-Lehrman in Research in Science Education (2011)

19. Indigenous Elementary Students’ Science Instruction in Taiwan: Indigenous Knowledge and Western Science
Huei Lee, Chiung-Fen Yen, Glen S. Aikenhead in Research in Science Education (2011)

20. Inquiry-based Instruction with Archived, Online Data: An Intervention Study with Preservice Teachers
Sedat Ucar, Kathy Cabe Trundle, Lawrence Krissek in Research in Science Education (2011)

21. Facilitating Students’ Conceptual Change and Scientific Reasoning Involving the Unit of Combustion
Chin-Quen Lee, Hsiao-Ching She in Research in Science Education (2010)

22. Senior High School Student Biology Learning in Interactive Teaching
Tan-Ni Lu, Bronwen Cowie, Alister Jones in Research in Science Education (2010)

23. Teaching and Learning about Force with a Representational Focus: Pedagogy and Teacher Change
Peter Hubber, Russell Tytler, Filocha Haslam in Research in Science Education (2010)

24. Physics Teachers’ Perceptions of the Difficulty of Teaching Electricity
Richard Gunstone, Pamela Mulhall, Brian McKittrick in Research in Science Education (2009)

25. From Teaching Physics to Teaching Children: Beginning teachers learning from pupils
Morag Findlay & Tom G.K. Bryce
Journal: International Journal of Science Education Volume 0, Issue 0, pages 1-24

26. Diagnosing Portuguese Students' Misconceptions about the Mineral Concept
António Monteiro, Clévio Nóbrega, Isabel Abrantes & Celeste Gomes
Journal: International Journal of Science EducationVolume 0, Issue 0, pages 1-22

27. Using Student-Generated Analogies to Investigate Conceptions of Energy: A multidisciplinary study
Rachael Anderman Lancor - Journal: International Journal of Science EducationVolume 0, Issue 0, pages 1-23

28. Secondary Students’ Understanding of Basic Ideas of Special Relativity
Kyriaki Dimitriadi & Krystallia Halkia
Journal: International Journal of Science Education Volume 0, Issue 0, pages 1-18.

29. Creationism as a Misconception: Socio-cognitive conflict in the teaching of evolution Colin Foster
Journal: International Journal of Science Education Volume 34, Issue 14, September 2012, pages 2171-2180.

30. A Three-Tier Diagnostic Test to Assess Pre-Service Teachers’ Misconceptions about Global Warming, Greenhouse Effect, Ozone Layer Depletion, and Acid Rain

31. Harika Ozge Arslan, Ceyhan Cigdemoglu & Christine Moseley
Journal: International Journal of Science Education Volume 34, Issue 11, July 2012, pages 1667-1686

32. Development and Assessment of A Diagnostic Tool to Identify Organic Chemistry Students’ Alternative Conceptions Related to Acid Strength
LaKeisha M. McClary & Stacey Lowery Bretz - Journal: International Journal of Science Education Volume 34, Issue 15, October 2012, pages 2317-

33. Nature, Cause and Effect of Students’ Intuitive Conceptions Regarding Changes in Velocity
Miriam Lemmer - Journal: International Journal of Science Education Volume 0, Issue 0, pages 1-23

Phew.... sekejap jer bro?

Ahah.... tak sampai 30 minute bro... bukan 30 hari !! Ini belum lagi aku search beberapa journal lain... baru 3 jer bro.

Jadi aku kadang2 nak tahu jugak.... samada pelajar tak jumpa artikel kerana artikel tak ada, tak tahu nak cari artikel atau memang tak mahu tahu camner nak cari artikel !!


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